
The OBC Cell in Yogi Vemana University is working towards sustainable development of the persons belonging to the students of other backward classes of Yogi Vemana University. The main aim of the Cell is to improve the quality of life of these socially and economically backward classes and enhancement of capability of people belonging to these communities, so that they can be very much part and parcel of main stream of the society.


The Other Backward Classes (OBC) Cell has been established in the year 2018 to provide special assistance to the Students and Research Scholars belonging to OBC.


Encouraging the Students of Other Backward Classes (OBC) for higher education by ensuring scholarships and fellowship and adequate support and opportunities for the growth and development.


Promoting the higher education and improve the standard and quality of higher education particularly for the backward classes through various development programmes.

Objectives of the Other Backward Classes Cell:

  • To educate, enlighten and empower the students of Other Backward Classes (OBC) to avail scholarships, adequate support and opportunities for the growth and development.
  • Cell is bridge between students and the Government Departments to get and prompt distribution of scholarships, fellowships and other financial assistance.
  • The Cell organizes training programme to prepare competitive examinations, workshops, remedial coaching classes, Professional Skills and Personality Development Programme and many innovative programs to reach out to the larger community through extension, at the local, regional, national and international levels for the welfare of students and Research Scholars.
  • Compilation of reports and information regarding the Government of India and the UGC orders on various aspects of education, training and employment of OBC.
  • Statistics on OBC students and employees.
  • To organize the Continuing Education Programmes (CEPs) for students, researches, teachers and non-teaching staff of the university to update their knowledge and skills.
  • To encourage enrolling for career orientation programmes, this would empower and equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career option.